Radio Rewrite is a rich and impressive ensemble piece for non-rock instruments... with periods of shadowy ambience Financial Times
After decades of receiving homage in the form of pop remixes of his music, Reich has decided to return the compliment... what gave pleasure was seeing how thoroughly the borrowed material turned into Reich. The Telegraph
a nice reminder of how Reich, for all his celebrity, remains a musicians' musician, his work drawing on a profound respect for craft and graft, and filled, in consequence, by the heat of genuine artistic collaboration. The Guardian
Duration: 16mins
Genre: Orchestral
Orchestration: 0000 1 electric bass 2 pianos 2 vibes (amplified) = 11 players + conductor + sound projection
Production Notes: Ensemble play separated into two groups. Requires two matching Steinway model D pianos, plus and 6 monitor wedges on 6 independent mixes from FOH (plus full range stereo PA, digital mixing board, and specified line list)
Publisher: Boosey and Hawkes
Co-Commission: By London Sinfonietta and Alarm Will Sound
World Premiere: 05/03/2013 at Royal Festival Hall by London Sinfonietta Sound Intermedia and Brad Lubman
Please contact London Sinfonietta CEO & Artistic Director Andrew Burke for more information.
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